Game Designer & Producer
Experience in a wide range of technical and artistic areas, from designing to developing applications and games. Known for his problem-solving skills and understanding of a wide range of different fields of expertise, as well as his growth mindset and interest in things.
Game Design
Creating compelling and interesting Games.
Game Production
Leading and coordinating projects from concept to release and live service.
Creating unique virtual environments.
“Every moment, every thought, every step…
…has the potential to be the beginning of something great!“
The spectrum of services I provide with passion and love to build value that lasts.
Game Design
End-to-end creation of game projects. From analyzing the specifics of the genre and target audience to building a solid concept, which can be built upon to create a successful game with compelling gameplay that players will invest in. Life is a game, so let´s play and recreate it!
Project management
Managing & coordinating teams to ensure
that all phases of production from concept through development to product delivery across multiple projects run smoothly and effectively.
Bringing a mindset of mutual respect, open-mindedness, and intercultural competence to let the projects drive and flourish.
Solving Problems
The game and movie industries are facing a diverse set of artistic and technical challenges throughout the production process. As a technically experienced person with a creative mind, my goal is to create a link between the two spectrums to create long-lasting solutions.
“Every day provides the chance to create something new,
whether it is unique or re-innovate what already is there.“